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Start of Autumn 2003 News

29 Sep 2003:

Lab staff (Stephen Rondeau, DOU110B and Cormac McGaughey, PNK205) and student assistants have been working feverishly throughout the summer quarter to improve reliability and availability of systems, as well as to enhance functionality.

  1. For all lab workstations running Windows 2000 Pro, you now must login to the INSTTECH domain, not the UWTCSS domain, to get access to applications and your home directory.

    1. Note that we are currently experiencing some difficulties with showing the desktop icons for the applications (as well as start menu icons), and hope to resolve this by the end of the day.

    2. Logon accounts for students who registered in September -- please see the lab staff.

    3. You may be required to change your password. Please read about our login account policy.

    4. Your \\css1 printers will no longer work -- delete them. Use \\intkpr1 under the INSTTECH domain instead.

      The printer in sci106 may not be available... use the one in SCI108.

    5. Special thanks to student lab assistant David Wyman for preparing the workstations for use (the current difficulties are central server problems). He did an outstanding job!

  2. cssgate, rigel and vega

    These are all using the INSTTECH domain to authenticate, so if you can't login, it might be because you need to change your password, which you can only do on a lab workstation.

  3. Key Control Policy

    The campus instituted a new key control policy last week, which includes electronic key cards (used to access the labs and selected building entrances) as well as brass keys. Every student will eventually have to provide a deposit for their key card (as mentioned in the original Key Card Agreement you signed, for returning students).

    1. New students who went to the orientation must go to the cashier to place a deposit and pick up their key cards

    2. New students who registered in September need to see the lab staff now to start the process.

    3. Returning students can use their existing key cards for now -- soon an announcement will be made about how to return your current key cards (which will be set to expire) and what to do to get them renewed or replaced.

  4. Personal computer/notebook use

    1. Before you attach a Windows-based computer to the network, you MUST get a new, free UWICK Autumn 2003 CD from the labs (near the printers) or the bookstore and upgrade your computer.

      This will prevent some nasty worms and viruses from invading your computer and crippling the network -- it only takes a couple of minutes for the invasion to occur. Follow their instructions.

      The CD is free to use, but not free to copy. You can take it home temporarily, but please return it to the labs near the printers.

    2. Read the policy on use of personal equipment.

  5. The SCI106 and DOU110 Labs are reserved for courses on Wednesdays from 1:45 to 4:00 pm. That leaves only SCI108 available at that time; please plan accordingly.

The Lab Staff are available to help you during the week with accessing the labs and computers, fixing computer problems, discussing technical aspects of projects (mentors are in the labs to help with assignments and coursework), creating team accounts and dealing with other system and network administration needs and problems.

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